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10 years of REDD+ in Vietnam: Where we are and What's next?

By Van Nguyen, FTViet Project

In 2009, Vietnam was one of the first nine countries selected to pilot the United Nations REDD + Program (UNREDD) and was also one of the first countries to receive approval for the REDD + Readiness Proposal. (R-PIN) is part of the World Bank's Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF). In addition to national programs, many other REDD + project activities are also carried out by international and national organizations in many localities with the aim of ensuring Vietnam's readiness to participate and implement REDD + in future.

After 10 years of piloting, Vietnam has made strides in strengthening the capacity of its stakeholders, benefit-sharing mechanism, safeguard policies, and Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation (MRV) system. In particular, at the end of 2018, Vietnam was the first country in the Asia-Pacific region recognized to be eligible for payment of results-based emission reduction efforts under the REDD + program. However, besides the achieved results, REDD + Vietnam also faces many challenges and shortcomings such as: integration of REDD + content and linking components of forestry sector policy system, ensure harmonization of REDD+ goals with other socio-economic goals, or coordination among stakeholders to achieve common goals.

Recently, REDD+ countries around the world and also Vietnam have changed in their approach to designing and implementing REDD +. In particular, there is the emergence of the Regional Landscape Approach and Adaptive Collaborative Management Approach (ACMA) under the North Central Emission Reduction Program (FCPF/REDD+). This new approach poses requirements not only for government agencies, project management boards but also academias, civil society organizations involved in the REDD + process need to be discussed to agree on a common understanding and design an holistic approach that is consistent with the multi-sector and multi-sectoral nature of REDD + in the Vietnam's local context.

Within the framework of the 2018/2019 Scientific Cooperation Program, on August 22, 2019, Vietnam Administration of Forestry (VNFOREST), Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations and the Center for People and Nature (PanNature) coordinate the workshop "1o years of REDD + Vietnam: Lesson learnt and Future direction" to create a policy dialogue for sharing and learning among the parties while at the same time creating conditions for social organizations and representatives of local people to participate participate in and contribute to the process of developing and implementing REDD + in Vietnam.

The detailed information and materials of the workshop in the link below:

The workshop was organized with the technical support and advice from Ms. Nguyen Thi Hai Van, PhD student under FTViet project. She is also Vice Director of the Center for People and Nature Reconciliation (PanNature). The data and information from Van's fieldwork in Thua Thien Hue have been used to develop the workshop agenda and prepare the presentation "Adaptive Collaboration Management Approach under REDD+: Case study in Huong Nguyen, Thua Thien Hue (Vietnam).

Mr. Ngo Tri Dung, Director of CORENARM participated into REDD+ progress through the consultation contract on Capacity Need Assessment on REDD+and Forest Governance for civil society. He also provided a presentation on assessment results at the workshop.

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